Monday, November 19, 2018

Media Players Streaming Link

A direct link has been added to the sidebar for streaming on Media Players such as Windows Media Player, Itunes, etc.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Seasonal Music Highlights for November II

The second half of November continues the monthly dedication to the Holy Souls in Purgatory, but also begins to look toward the Apocalypse in the 24th and last Sunday of the liturgical year. Important feasts include St. Cecilia (Nov. 22), St. Clement (Nov. 23), St. Andrew (Nov. 30), and Thanksgiving in the United States.

Mass and Office Propers and Texts
Missa Pro Defunctis
Mozart's Requiem
Te Deum
Dies Irae
De Profundis

Hymns and Carols
Help Lord the Souls
In Our Day of Thanksgiving
Come Ye Thankful People, Come
Sing to the Lord of the Harvest
Hymn to St. Cecilia
St. Clement's Carol

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Seasonal Music Highlights for November I

The first half of November is dedicated to All the Saints and the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

Mass and Office Propers and Texts
Missa Pro Defunctis
Commons of the Saints
Missa Dicit Dominus for the 23rd and Resumed Sundays after Pentecost
Mozart's Requiem
Dies Irae
De Profundis

Hymns and Carols
By All Your Saints in Warfare
Help Lord the Souls
Souling Carol for All Hallows
Hymn to St. Martin (Instrumental)
Hymn of Mother Cabrini

A Special Selection for Black Catholic History Month

This month Holy Nativity Radio will be featuring Australian group Prima Luce's rendition of the Marian text Nigra Sum, "I am black". This famous passage from the Canticle of Canticles (Song of Songs) has long been associated with various Black Madonna icons and statues in Europe, and it also has been adopted in a special way by Catholics of the African diaspora.

The American bishops have designated November Black Catholic History Month in honor of the feast of St. Martin de Porres on November 3rd as well as the birthday of St. Augustine of Hippo on November 13th.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Holy Nativity Radio: Traditional Catholic Music for the Liturgical Year

Annoyed at hearing Christmas music before Advent has even started? Sick of sappy modern hymns? We're happy to announce there’s a solution!

Holy Nativity Radio follows the Traditional Catholic liturgical year—all year. Effortlessly enter into the spirit of the liturgy each week with Breviary hymns, English hymns, Introits, and Mass Propers, including music from the Sunday Mass as well as feasts such as St. Nicholas, the Immaculate Conception, and St. Lucy. You'll find daily devotions emphasized throughout the week such as the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday, the Passion on Friday, and Our Lady on Saturday. And you'll be able to turn your home into a mini monastery, with proper Psalms for each canonical hour of the day from Matins to Compline, following the classic Psalter of St. Benedict. Plus enjoy year-round favorites as well such as the Ordinaries of the Mass, hymns, and sacred polyphony.

Holy Nativity Radio draws from the rich Roman and Anglo-Catholic traditions and also highlights unique sacred music native to the Americas as well as Byzantine and other traditions from Europe and around the world.

Holy Nativity Radio is a free service and broadcasts all over the world through the Internet 24/7. Let us be the soundtrack for your domestic church.